Ami-Along 2018


It’s that time of year again! This will be the the 4th annual summer ami-along and I am one of the participating designers this year. If you are new to the ami-along, basically it is a crochet and knitting event in which everyone who joins in makes amigurumi from the participating designers during the summer. This year there are 18 different designers taking part – so I am sure you will find something to make!

It all takes place on ravelry, so join the group, check out the patterns you can use by browsing the group’s pattern bundle, and get ready! One of the best parts? All the patterns, from all designers, will be on sale (25% off) starting before the event (June 25-July 8), so you have time to prepare. PLUS there are prizes. I will be giving away one of my handmade project bags.

I plan to make some little foods by Alyssa of Monster’s Toy Box (learn more about her in this interview!). I will start with her healthy snacks, and then move on to the garden (veggie) snacks. If I have time I will also make her munchie monster to eat them all! I just love these patterns. I have made some of them before for my neice and nephew (see photos below), but this time they will be for my son!


Until next time,


Inside Crochet’s “Amigurumi Collection” magazine

Press and Publications of hookabee crochetThe makers of Inside Crochet magazine recently released a special “bookazine” edition : The Amigurumi Collection. They sent me a copy of the issue and I was happy to see photos of several of my hookabee patterns, as well as some select quotes by me from when they interviewed me earlier in the year. Have a look!


I recommend checking the magazine out and maybe even picking up a copy for yourself. This special issue includes 33 amigurumi patterns (wow!), a couple designer interviews, and several tutorials. It is packed full.

The pattern designs span a huge range, including multiple animals, dolls, and food, all from different designers. They are divided up into several different categories: Cute and Cuddly, Fairyland and Woodland magic, Seasonal Fun, and Toys with a Twist. I think my favourite pattern is the Rapunzel doll with her tower by Lynn Rowe. That tower is so neat!

For cuteness sent straight to your inbox, sign up for my amigurumi newsletter to receive emails filled with ami fun. You can also follow me on facebooktwitterinstagram, and pinterest to keep up to date on all things hookabee.

 Until next time,
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Stop motion video #2 – When Koko Attacks

amigurumi stop motion video

I made another stop motion video this week! And thanks to my husband, it also has some really fun music to go along with it. I hope you enjoy it:

For cuteness sent straight to your inbox, sign up for my amigurumi newsletter to receive emails filled with ami fun. You can also follow me on facebooktwitterinstagram, and pinterest to keep up to date on all things hookabee.

Until next time,
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